Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Interior designing

Architecture-----Ghassemee(GOLDEN KEYS – Part 4) In a way architects are divided in two groups, some don’t even consider LIGHTING EFFECTS as a factor in their projects and the others do. It’s really an element to give the job a touch up. But avoid making it terrifying as some do. Watch a scary movie, they use some lighting effects to make their movies more scary, haven’t you really seen some of those effects in your colleagues’ jobs? Try to avoid making it scary, use lighting effects to create peaceful and comforting views in your job. If you use color lights, try to match it with the paintings surrounding it. Use PINK instead of red, LIGHT BLUE instead of blue, try to use more bright green cause it’s very peaceful and comforting. (ghassemee@hotmail.com)-(aghd2003@hotmail.com)